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阴月厅 今日: 0|主题: 458|排名: 73 

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预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] Children of Bodom 仍几枚~ agree 死亡砂糖 2013-9-14 7624 死亡砂糖 2013-9-15 14:57
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] 【必听】Insomnium - One For Sorrow agree  ...23 猎户座C3 2012-11-27 321749 capture 2013-9-7 10:06
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] 芬兰旋死Blind Stare - Symphony of Delusions agree  ...2 Nyarlathotep 2013-5-25 251406 脏茜茜 2013-7-11 19:00
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] Ayreon——01011001(威力加强版) attach_img agree  ...2 燃烧的指环 2012-10-31 242060 燃烧的指环 2013-7-9 15:02
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] Barrage Am Ring 2 Original/Side agree  ...2 Nyarlathotep 2013-1-18 221999 脏茜茜 2013-7-8 18:59
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] Be'lakor——《Stone's Reach》& 《The Frial Tide》 attach_img agree  ...23 hc.silver_.. 2012-12-14 332066 hatecrew 2013-7-5 22:02
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] Angra - Angels Cry & Carry On attach_img agree Thousands千 2013-1-11 9917 脏茜茜 2013-6-27 20:17
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] 【旋律死亡金属】Arch Enemy-《Khaos Legions》 agree  ...2345 hc.silver_.. 2012-10-7 703180 脏茜茜 2013-6-25 22:40
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] cob新砖 Halo Of Blood agree Nyarlathotep 2013-6-5 6802 Nyarlathotep 2013-6-10 17:25
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] Andy James - War March agree Thousands千 2013-1-11 111002 丝米姜 2013-6-10 07:57
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] [芬兰旋律金属] Amorphis ——《Eclipse》 attach_img agree  ...23 弥刈 2013-1-28 331664 claudioSai 2013-4-25 13:25
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] Stratovarius——《Polaris》 [芬兰 前卫/力量金属] attach_img agree 弥刈 2013-2-13 12772 claudioSai 2013-4-25 13:15
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] Antik【整张专辑】 agree Moonyen 2013-4-4 13862 撒哈拉大企鹅 2013-4-22 16:27
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] 【氛围】 Summoning —— Our Foes Shall Fall attach_img agree hc.silver_.. 2013-2-21 11710 撒哈拉大企鹅 2013-3-6 08:34
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] [幻境] Stratovarius ——Winter Skies attach_img agree 弥刈 2013-2-13 6639 -饭太岁-TX大王- 2013-2-15 12:04
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] 5150 - シンフォニック東方Ⅵ agree  ...23456 Nyarlathotep 2013-1-8 773645 Sasaki 2013-2-4 14:12
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] X-Japan-《Dahlia》 agree  ...23 hc.silver_.. 2012-10-10 422418 hc.silver_.. 2013-1-29 18:47
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] [美国 女声旋律死亡金属] Light This City——《Facing the Thousand》 attach_img agree 弥刈 2013-1-28 101083 撒哈拉大企鹅 2013-1-29 01:17
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] Art of My Life agree 撒哈拉大企鹅 2012-9-15 141029 hc.silver_.. 2013-1-26 18:33
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] [单人器乐前卫旋律死] Psychostatus——《A Path To Remember》 attach_img agree 弥刈 2013-1-21 7825 撒哈拉大企鹅 2013-1-26 01:14
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] [西班牙旋死] Darkness by Oath —— Fear Yourself attach_img agree 弥刈 2013-1-25 9811 弥刈 2013-1-25 22:14
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] 【黑?死?】Omnium Gatherum-《The Red Shift》&《New World Shadows》 attach_img agree  ...234 hc.silver_.. 2012-9-22 452903 hc.silver_.. 2013-1-23 17:33
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] 【Christopher Lee】Charlemagne: By the Sword and the Cross attach_img agree  ...2 燃烧的指环 2012-12-8 161609 燃烧的指环 2013-1-23 14:29
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] Stratovarius——Eagleheart attach_img agree Thousands千 2013-1-11 10927 撒哈拉大企鹅 2013-1-12 19:21
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] 埼玉最終兵器—Frenzy Frenzy attach_img agree  ...2 中二の华丽酱 2013-1-3 201353 中二の华丽酱 2013-1-7 22:52
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] 【Hey,Guys~Happy New Years Day !】Equilibrium——Blut im Auge attach_img agree  ...23456..7 弥刈 2012-12-31 943662 弥刈 2013-1-6 14:07
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] 【力量与前卫】[希腊口味] Firewind——《Fored by Firewind》 attach_img agree  ...23 弥刈 2013-1-3 381274 燃烧的指环 2013-1-4 11:06
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] 凑热闹发个讲世界末日的曲子——The Sixth Extinction agree 燃烧的指环 2012-12-21 3649 燃烧的指环 2012-12-21 20:30
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] 【霜冻前夜】FROSTY EVE 的 沉默咆哮 agree  ...2345 Zarity 2012-12-20 662753 ryoma1836 2012-12-21 08:59
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] 最近一直在手机里放的东方旋死金属核 Clamantes Monimentum Mortis agree  ...2 Nyarlathotep 2012-12-14 271340 Ericwekers 2012-12-17 10:56
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] 先来一发旋死试试水~~ attach_img agree  ...23456..11 据说自称 2012-12-14 1605795 据说自称 2012-12-16 14:14
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] Dream Theater——A Dramatic Turn Of Events attach_img agree hc.silver_.. 2012-12-5 131152 蟹崽0v0 2012-12-6 12:37
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] Dragonforce——Through the Fire and Flames attach_img agree  ...2 hc.silver_.. 2012-12-4 261902 猎户座C3 2012-12-5 14:36
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] (台湾)ChthoniC——皇军 agree  ...234 hc.silver_.. 2012-12-1 583669 hc.silver_.. 2012-12-4 12:55
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] 卜经典的偶卜推荐【旋死】Made of Hate agree 中二の华丽酱 2012-12-3 12871 撒哈拉大企鹅 2012-12-4 00:36
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] [交响力量] 5150 - 四季楽典 -第二章- agree Nyarlathotep 2012-11-3 7669 Nyarlathotep 2012-11-27 22:18
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] 【Blind Guardian】——Nightfall in Middle-Earth agree  ...2 燃烧的指环 2012-11-5 162091 猎户座C3 2012-11-27 12:33
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] Funeral Of August - Shattered Truth【韩国旋死= =噗。】 hc.silver_.. 2012-11-19 6833 hc.silver_.. 2012-11-19 21:06
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] XJAPAN 红 agree 撒哈拉大企鹅 2012-11-17 4775 撒哈拉大企鹅 2012-11-17 14:45
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] Avantasia——The Metal Opera attach_img agree 燃烧的指环 2012-11-13 3627 桃里木 2012-11-13 19:27
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] 【Blind Guardian第二弹】Imaginations from the Other Side attach_img agree 燃烧的指环 2012-11-8 6651 燃烧的指环 2012-11-11 22:20
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] Haggard——Awaking the Centuries attach_img agree 燃烧的指环 2012-11-7 4788 撒哈拉大企鹅 2012-11-8 02:22
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] Kalmah-The Black Waltz agree hc.silver_.. 2012-11-5 121147 hc.silver_.. 2012-11-7 19:38
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] Imperial Circus Dead Decadence的一张专辑 agree Nyarlathotep 2012-11-2 11276 Nyarlathotep 2012-11-6 22:24
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] 【旋死】Euphoreon attach_img agree 中二の华丽酱 2012-10-29 71157 中二の华丽酱 2012-10-29 19:54
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] 【旋死?力量?】Children Of Bodom(博多之子) agree  ...2 hc.silver_.. 2012-9-29 251958 荒魇 2012-10-12 19:59
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] 芬兰力量 灵云乐队 stratovarius agree  ...23456 撒哈拉大企鹅 2012-10-2 823434 撒哈拉大企鹅 2012-10-2 21:08
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] Nightwish-《Sleeping Sun》 agree  ...23 hc.silver_.. 2012-9-30 342589 hc.silver_.. 2012-10-1 20:43


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