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阴月厅 今日: 0|主题: 458|排名: 288 

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预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] 毛子团Abominable Putridity agree 撒哈拉大企鹅 2015-7-10 8761 撒哈拉大企鹅 2015-11-2 19:56
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] 裂缝—— 《You Are Always In The War》[中国 激流/鞭笞金属] agree  ...23 弥刈 2013-4-4 342621 330340316 2015-2-13 00:29
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] crow的金属新砖~ agree Ericwekers 2013-6-27 6735 hatecrew 2013-7-27 12:49
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] 【金属核】Bullet For My Valentine-《Tears Don't Fall》 agree hc.silver_.. 2012-9-25 131189 _S_0_ 2013-7-21 20:31
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] Axewound —— 《Vultures》[英国 金属核] attach_img agree 弥刈 2013-2-25 111127 脏茜茜 2013-6-30 22:21
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] Awakened agree  ...2 Ericwekers 2013-1-26 181207 脏茜茜 2013-6-30 20:23
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] As Oceans -----Measured【金属核】 agree  ...2 Moonyen 2012-12-17 151381 Moonyen 2013-6-30 19:37
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] 纯正的EMOCORE agree  ...23 Ericwekers 2013-1-19 391997 Ericwekers 2013-6-29 18:58
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] Agnostic Front —— Hypocrisy agree  ...2 稔色 2013-2-15 222888 稔色 2013-6-26 21:33
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] Slam残死Abominable Putridity-《The Anomalies Of Artificial Origin》 attach_img agree 中二の华丽酱 2012-12-17 31132 脏茜茜 2013-6-26 18:39
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] 我希望 这首 可以在我的葬礼上单曲循环 agree  ...23 张三君在此 2013-2-14 392143 影诺 2013-6-24 19:55
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] Soilwork的东西都很赞的说 agree Ericwekers 2013-2-8 10997 黑白系的bobo 2013-5-12 13:39
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] Sterile Nails and Thunderbowels agree  ...2 有基玻璃 2013-3-26 281325 N_Lolita 2013-4-18 18:49
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] RISE OF THE NORTHSTAR - Sound of Wolves agree Moonyen 2013-3-13 2656 hc.silver_.. 2013-3-15 13:30
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] RESOLUTION15 —— Sufferers Rise [美国 小提琴实验鞭挞金属] agree 弥刈 2013-2-21 5784 中二の华丽酱 2013-2-22 19:27
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] The Hidden Words agree Ericwekers 2013-2-13 9889 hc.silver_.. 2013-2-21 11:26
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] 葡萄牙大牌旋律金属核More Than A Thousand agree  ...23 Ericwekers 2013-1-26 382120 Ericwekers 2013-2-16 10:46
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] 【死萝莉】Headbangeeeeerrrrr!!!!!--BABYMETAL attach_img agree 中二の华丽酱 2012-10-15 13964 蓝海 2013-2-11 19:20
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] 【院长推荐】零壹乐队翻唱 agree 撒哈拉大企鹅 2012-9-21 9944 病女崩坏 2013-2-7 19:48
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] This Is the Six agree Ericwekers 2013-2-4 3855 Ericwekers 2013-2-7 15:34
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] 意大利古典交响技术残酷死 好nb的风格! agree  ...23456..10 撒哈拉大企鹅 2012-10-2 1456771 撒哈拉大企鹅 2013-1-25 06:48
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] 日本后核乐队Coldrain - The Enemy Inside attach_img agree  ...23 hc.silver_.. 2012-11-19 302346 子墨翎歌 2013-1-23 13:16
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] 【埃及口味】[残酷/技术] Nile——Annhilation Of the Wicked attach_img agree  ...2 弥刈 2013-1-3 291951 woaisnkof 2013-1-4 14:11
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] 碾核的极致体现 agree  ...23 撒哈拉大企鹅 2012-12-12 342189 Moonyen 2012-12-28 13:41
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] 波兰死敲 维达 agree 据说自称 2012-12-14 13847 hc.silver_.. 2012-12-16 20:22
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] 【残死】俄罗斯残死Katalepsy attach_img agree  ...23 中二の华丽酱 2012-12-15 301759 hc.silver_.. 2012-12-15 18:09
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] 东方x残死 AGENT 0 —— maddening agree Nyarlathotep 2012-11-11 9827 YOSHIKA 2012-12-15 16:27
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] 肢解 agree  ...23 撒哈拉大企鹅 2012-12-12 351701 hc.silver_.. 2012-12-12 14:31
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] 地宫石魔 agree  ...2 撒哈拉大企鹅 2012-12-11 281443 hc.silver_.. 2012-12-11 20:01
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] Lamb Of God-《As the Palaces Burn》 agree  ...2 hc.silver_.. 2012-10-23 201429 中二の华丽酱 2012-10-29 00:17
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] PANTERA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! agree  ...23 撒哈拉大企鹅 2012-10-17 361787 hc.silver_.. 2012-10-18 01:45
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] 【VOCALOUD】MOKSHA——鬱P attach_img agree 中二の华丽酱 2012-10-11 81183 撒哈拉大企鹅 2012-10-15 02:04
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] 【后核】Hopes Die Last-《Six Years Home》 agree  ...23 hc.silver_.. 2012-9-27 362034 爱德华 2012-10-1 22:44
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] 科普 技术死 快来拯救你们的数学与计算机能力 agree  ...2 撒哈拉大企鹅 2012-9-28 251472 猫渣 2012-9-29 00:19


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