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阴月厅 今日: 0|主题: 458|排名: 288 

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预览 [工业/电子/暗潮/另类] Ryu☆ -- Plan 8 agree martianG 2013-7-7 0555 hatecrew 2013-7-27 15:51
预览 [古典/我勒个去真高端] 肖斯塔科维奇《爵士组曲·第二圆舞曲》 agree 思远人 2013-6-29 5963 hatecrew 2013-7-27 15:36
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] crow的金属新砖~ agree Ericwekers 2013-6-27 6735 hatecrew 2013-7-27 12:49
预览 [摇滚/硬摇/金属/朋克] 【Apocalypse Now】The End——By The Doors attach_img agree 燃烧的指环 2013-6-20 121028 hatecrew 2013-7-27 12:37
预览 [工业/电子/暗潮/另类] Austere——This Dreadful Emptiness[澳大利亚 抑郁黑] attach_img agree  ...234 弥刈 2013-5-31 573303 黑猫小丫头 2013-7-22 10:46
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] 【金属核】Bullet For My Valentine-《Tears Don't Fall》 agree hc.silver_.. 2012-9-25 131189 _S_0_ 2013-7-21 20:31
预览 [蓝调/爵士] Almost lover agree  ...2 张三君在此 2012-11-5 191375 _S_0_ 2013-7-21 20:06
预览 [民谣/异教] Bulgaris Magistralis - Heidevolk agree 蟹崽0v0 2012-11-19 141323 _S_0_ 2013-7-21 19:52
预览 [工业/电子/暗潮/另类] [香港 数字/另类摇滚] tf:vs:js —— pop song 1.0 attach_img agree  ...2 弥刈 2013-7-15 271467 morphine 2013-7-19 23:49
预览 [摇滚/硬摇/金属/朋克] 好久没发过帖子咯~今天就发发吧~ agree Ericwekers 2013-6-15 141013 _S_0_ 2013-7-19 20:11
预览 [工业/电子/暗潮/另类] [挪威原始黑] Carpathian Forest —— Black Shining Leather attach_img agree hc.silver_.. 2012-12-14 6935 脏茜茜 2013-7-12 18:12
预览 [摇滚/硬摇/金属/朋克] [2009.02.25] Puncolle voice actresses' legendary punk songs collection agree demon96 2013-7-10 71038 Nyarlathotep 2013-7-12 17:28
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] 芬兰旋死Blind Stare - Symphony of Delusions agree  ...2 Nyarlathotep 2013-5-25 251406 脏茜茜 2013-7-11 19:00
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] Ayreon——01011001(威力加强版) attach_img agree  ...2 燃烧的指环 2012-10-31 242060 燃烧的指环 2013-7-9 15:02
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] Barrage Am Ring 2 Original/Side agree  ...2 Nyarlathotep 2013-1-18 222000 脏茜茜 2013-7-8 18:59
预览 [卖萌] [围观] 2013上海高考零分作文:真朋克是不会向傻逼屈服的! attach_img  ...23 hatecrew 2013-6-28 312185 脏茜茜 2013-7-8 18:46
预览 [工业/电子/暗潮/另类] 交响黑Arcanorum Astrum - Прозрение agree Nyarlathotep 2013-5-5 101141 Nyarlathotep 2013-7-7 14:20
预览 [古典/我勒个去真高端] 【邦乐】bad apple 伤林果 agree  ...23456..7 morphine 2012-12-19 913796 morphine 2013-7-6 22:14
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] Be'lakor——《Stone's Reach》& 《The Frial Tide》 attach_img agree  ...23 hc.silver_.. 2012-12-14 332066 hatecrew 2013-7-5 22:02
预览 [民谣/异教] Nokturnal Mortum——《Weltanschauung》 [乌克兰 史诗氛围黑金属] attach_img agree  ...2 弥刈 2013-6-16 192010 荒魇 2013-7-1 22:16
预览 [古典/我勒个去真高端] [马头琴] 阿拉腾乌拉——《八百击》 attach_img agree  ...2 hc.silver_.. 2012-12-10 211572 hatecrew 2013-7-1 01:04
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] Axewound —— 《Vultures》[英国 金属核] attach_img agree 弥刈 2013-2-25 111127 脏茜茜 2013-6-30 22:21
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] Awakened agree  ...2 Ericwekers 2013-1-26 181208 脏茜茜 2013-6-30 20:23
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] As Oceans -----Measured【金属核】 agree  ...2 Moonyen 2012-12-17 151381 Moonyen 2013-6-30 19:37
预览 [工业/电子/暗潮/另类] Downer——《Swollow your shadow》 [香港乐队 后摇/梦幻流行] attach_img agree 弥刈 2013-6-16 71368 风何 2013-6-30 15:33
预览 [工业/电子/暗潮/另类] Downer 相关视频来一发~ attach_img  ...2 hatecrew 2013-6-28 201507 morphine 2013-6-29 23:07
预览 [古典/我勒个去真高端] Apocalyptica——《7th Symphony》 attach_img agree  ...23 弥刈 2012-12-22 351800 弥刈 2013-6-29 19:46
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] 纯正的EMOCORE agree  ...23 Ericwekers 2013-1-19 391998 Ericwekers 2013-6-29 18:58
预览 [摇滚/硬摇/金属/朋克] 【Not Strong Enough---Apocalyptica】 agree  ...2 Moonyen 2012-12-22 221370 脏茜茜 2013-6-28 22:45
预览 [民谣/异教] Ainars Mielavs Un Pārcēlāji - Pirmais agree 蟹崽0v0 2012-10-30 111233 脏茜茜 2013-6-28 21:42
预览 [民谣/异教] Alkonost两首~ agree 桃里木 2012-10-20 14985 桃里木 2013-6-27 21:50
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] Angra - Angels Cry & Carry On attach_img agree Thousands千 2013-1-11 9917 脏茜茜 2013-6-27 20:17
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] Agnostic Front —— Hypocrisy agree  ...2 稔色 2013-2-15 222889 稔色 2013-6-26 21:33
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] Slam残死Abominable Putridity-《The Anomalies Of Artificial Origin》 attach_img agree 中二の华丽酱 2012-12-17 31132 脏茜茜 2013-6-26 18:39
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] 【旋律死亡金属】Arch Enemy-《Khaos Legions》 agree  ...2345 hc.silver_.. 2012-10-7 703181 脏茜茜 2013-6-25 22:40
预览 [激流/碾/核/残死] 我希望 这首 可以在我的葬礼上单曲循环 agree  ...23 张三君在此 2013-2-14 392143 影诺 2013-6-24 19:55
预览 [工业/电子/暗潮/另类] 相当赞的电子音乐 绝对震撼 本人最爱 agree 1509996513 2013-6-22 1552 hatecrew 2013-6-23 10:12
预览 [古典/我勒个去真高端] 矮油~我又来和乐器摇滚卖萌了~ agree  ...23456 morphine 2013-5-31 883348 hatecrew 2013-6-11 23:58
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] cob新砖 Halo Of Blood agree Nyarlathotep 2013-6-5 6803 Nyarlathotep 2013-6-10 17:25
预览 [旋律/力量/前卫] Andy James - War March agree Thousands千 2013-1-11 111002 丝米姜 2013-6-10 07:57
预览 [民谣/异教] [瑞典 民谣]Lake of Tears——《Forever Autumn》 attach_img agree 弥刈 2013-6-1 91259 claudioSai 2013-6-10 03:29
预览 [工业/电子/暗潮/另类] [070824]Kashiwa Daisuke.-.[Program Music I](320 agree demon96 2013-5-17 81307 demon96 2013-6-10 00:42
预览 [摇滚/硬摇/金属/朋克] Babe I'm Gonna Leave You——Led Zeppelin attach_img agree  ...23 燃烧的指环 2013-5-12 321770 hatecrew 2013-6-9 21:46
预览 [工业/电子/暗潮/另类] Heretoir——《Heretoir》[德国 双人自赏黑] attach_img agree  ...2 弥刈 2013-6-2 161519 桃里木 2013-6-3 20:47
预览 [古典/我勒个去真高端] Ron Korb ——《Once Upon A Time》 [加拿大 笛子器乐] attach_img agree  ...2345 弥刈 2013-5-31 663480 hatecrew 2013-6-2 18:46
预览 [卖萌] 別れの唄う、さようなら。 attach_img agree  ...234 hc.silver_.. 2013-4-21 471990 hatecrew 2013-5-31 22:12
预览 [工业/电子/暗潮/另类] Burzum——《Sôl austan, Mâni vestan》挪威。。氛围?改型了这乐队 attach_img agree  ...2 弥刈 2013-5-27 181568 hatecrew 2013-5-28 09:04
预览 [工业/电子/暗潮/另类] [黑色与纷争] Lifelover —— Konkurs [瑞典 实验黑金属] attach_img agree  ...2345 弥刈 2013-3-30 652710 hatecrew 2013-5-26 23:20
预览 [科普] 【风格专题】音墙,实验,迷幻 —— Post-Rock 后摇滚 attach_img agree  ...23 弥刈 2013-5-19 443449 demon96 2013-5-25 13:26
预览 [工业/电子/暗潮/另类] Elend - The Umbersun attach_img agree  ...23 骷髅咧嘴 2013-5-17 412096 YOSHIKA 2013-5-19 18:03
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